Discourse Moving the State Capital of Indonesia

If the mirror in the current state of the state capital, Jakarta with all the complexity of the problem is definitely no longer feasible to serve as the capital of the country. In terms of population, for example, Jakarta is ideally only enough to accommodate as many as 7.5 million people, the fact is now "forced" to accommodate more than 10.2 million people.

The number even increased significantly when during the day, ie Jakarta is no less affiliated with 14.5 million people with all sorts of activities. If then Jakarta is analogous to a bus with a capacity of 7.5 million passengers, then with the current number of passengers that far exceeds capacity, the accident is obviously just a matter of waiting for the time only.

Risk of Transfer of Capital of Jakarta.

Jakarta - President RI Joko Widodo asked the Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas to examine the possibility of transferring the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to Palangkaraya.However, the plan is not easy. Many entrepreneurs have exposed some of the risks that the government must face if the move to the capital is actually done.

Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia DKI Jakarta, Sarman Simajorang, said one of the risks is an investment climate that will stagnate.
He said that Jakarta City has been almost 53 years as the capital city since it was established based on Law No. 10 of 1964. Already hundreds of thousands of large companies ranging from PMA, PMDN, BUMN and private national headquartered in Jakarta. The interaction of this company with the central government is very high for administering various licenses and other policies.

Nevertheless, Sarman acknowledged that Jakarta is carrying a very heavy burden with various nicknames as a business and investment center, financial center, trade and tourism, as well as government / capital center.The accumulation of these centers has had an impact on severe traffic congestion, extremely high urbanization, and far-reaching inequality.

Moving & Spreading the Office of the Ministry in the Region of Development 

Development For Solutions and Proposals from the Community and Writers, it is better to take steps to spread the existing Ministries to all Provincial Areas in Indonesia to try and aim equitable Development from the removal of the Capital with a very large State Budget has not added the risk of economic growth as a result of displacement .

By Spreading the Ministry will have a more equitable impact on all local governments and Communities throughout Indonesia by examining the potential of the region, by spreading the ministry will not create jealousy from other areas that are not elected to the State Capital. (Source Yuliansyah)

Potential Structure of Jokowi-JK Cabinet

The structure of the Jokowi-JK Cabinet itself consists of 34 ministries with a portion of 16 ministers will be filled and designated from professional political parties while the other 18 ministries will be filled from the professional.and the composition of the Jokwi-JK Cabinet is not much different from the Composition of President Susilo's Cabinet Bambang Yudhoyono 34 ministries.

Equitable Development in Provinces throughout Indonesia

Another solution facing the City of Jakarta As a Central Government and Business with a very limited capacity of the capital today we are contributing new ideas and studies for Moving Kemetrian to be spread throughout the Province of Indonesia with further study.

Below is a list of provincial names in Indonesia along with the same capital as the number of ministries in Government Era Joko Widodo; *
  1. Province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Capital city; Banda Aceh
  2. West Sumatera Province (West Sumatra). Capital city; Padang
  3. Province of South Sumatra (South Sumatra). Capital city; Palembang
  4. Province of North Sumatra (North Sumatra). Capital city; Field
  5. Riau Province. Capital city; Pekanbaru
  6. Riau Islands Province (Kepri). The capital of Tanjung Pinang
  7. Lampung province. Capital city; Bandar Lampung
  8. Jambi Province. Capital city; Jambi
  9. Bengkulu Province. Capital city; Bengkulu
  10. Bangka Belitung Province. Capital city; Pangkal Pinang
  11. Province of Jakarta Capital Special Region (DKI Jakarta). Capital city; Jakarta
  12. Banten Province. Capital city; attack
  13. West Java Province (West Java). Capital city; Bandung
  14. Central Java Province (Central Java). Capital city; Semarang
  15. Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Capital city; Yogyakarta
  16. East Java Province (East Java). Capital city; Surabaya
  17. Bali province. Capital city; Denpasar
  18. Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Capital city; Mataram
  19. East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). Capital city; Kupang
  20. Gorontalo Province. Capital city; Gorontalo
  21. West Kalimantan Province (West Kalimantan). Capital city; Pontianak
  22. South Kalimantan Province (South Kalimantan). Capital city; Banjarmasin
  23. Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng). Capital city; Palangkaraya
  24. East Kalimantan Province (East Kalimantan). Capital city; Samarinda
  25. North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara). Capital city; Tanjung Selor
  26. Maluku Province. Capital city; Ambon
  27. North Maluku Province (Malut). Capital city; Ternate
  28. West Sulawesi Province (West Sulawesi). Capital city; Mamuju
  29. South Sulawesi Province (South Sulawesi). Capital city; Makassar
  30. Central Sulawesi Province (Central Sulawesi). Capital city; Hammer
  31. Southeast Sulawesi Province (Southeast Sulawesi). Capital city; Kendari
  32. North Sulawesi Province (North Sulawesi). Capital city; Manado
  33. Papua Province. Capital city; Jayapura
  34. West Papua Province. Capital city; Manokwari
Thus the names of provinces in Indonesia complete with each of its capital as a material of expert study later.

Diversified from various Resources .

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